L1VM - preprocessor macros

I did change the preprocessor to make it possible to write macros function like. So now you can write:

// Is this a function or a macro? ;)
(textvar :print_s !)

or, the other way as:

print_s (textvar)

Here is a full example of the new macros called as functions:

// hello-func.l1com
// new macro called as functions example!
#include <intr.l1h>

// define macro
#func square (X, SQUARE) :{SQUARE = X * X}

(main func)
	(set int64 1 zero 0)
	(set int64 1 x 23)
	(set int64 1 y 42)
	(set int64 1 a 0)
	(set int64 1 sq 0)
	(set string s hello "Hello world!")
	// print string
	(hello :print_s !)
	(:print_n !)
	((x y *) a =)
    (a :print_i !)
	(:print_n !)
	(y sq :square !)
	(sq :print_i !)
	(:print_n !)
	(zero :exit !)

Have fun!